Cassady is a strong single mother of two young children. She had a job that allowed her to make ends meet to support her family. That is, until her 2-year-old daughter, Brianna, was rushed to the hospital after nearly drowning. Unfortunately, Brianna’s injuries were severe and required her to stay at the hospital for several months. Because of her condition and need for constant care, Cassady had lost her job. And as the medical bills began pilling up, Cassady fell further and further behind. Eventually causing her and her 1-year-old son, Dennis, to become homeless.
Cassady turned to Dawning Family Services for help and moved into our Emergency Bridge Housing where she and her family could focus on Brianna’s recovery and their plan for finding affordable housing. Brianna was getting stronger every day and was able to be reunited with her family soon after the move. Cassady worked closely with one of our Housing Support Specialists who helped her organize her finances and search for affordable housing options. Because of the support Dawning Family Services gave, Cassady was able to focus on her family’s financial plan and was able to keep up with Brianna’s medical bills. She felt as if she finally found her footing.
With the Dawning team by her side Cassady and her two children secured permanent housing and moved into their new home just in time for Christmas. Waking up Christmas morning in a safe home brought Cassady to tears. Because of Dawning Family Services and our dedicated team, Cassady, Brianna, and Dennis are safe, happy, and thriving.
Your gifts and support of Dawning Family Services ensures that families like Cassady’s have a safe place to sleep and hope for a brighter future.
Written by Tori Calandro