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A New Dawn A New Day Videos and Run of Show

7:20 - background music starts & sponsor page on screen
7:30 - guests start arriving
7:55 - quietly usher guests to their seats for prompt start time
8:00 - play DFS video from Dusk til Dawn (1 minute video)

Video #1 (intro video)
8:02 - sponsors back on screen after video
8:02 - Maureen Famiano welcomes guests & introduces Tami Casagni
8:05 - Tammi Casagni speaks
8:12 - Magie Cook goes live on screen, shows her video, and speaks. 
(Click here to view a sample of Magie's video about her journey.)
8:37 - Magie Ends & David Morrison makes final ask
8:42 - play client success video

Video #2 - client success video
8:46 - Table Captains pass out materials as video is finishing 
8:46 - Maureen Famiano returns to podium to thank everyone, shares that top 5 donors will receive Magie's salsa recipes, PLUS autographed books by Magie & cookies by Wright's deli are available as guests exit.  
8:48 - play A New Dawn A New Day music and then background music
9:00 - guests depart




6718 N Armenia Ave Tampa FL 33604

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